Page name: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-12-14 13:09:03
Last author: Fallen Child Athena
Owner: Boomnesss
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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

This is the new and improved Harry Potter RPG. The old one was The Ultimate Harry Potter RGP.




"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling,
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot!"


1. [Boomnesss] as Ginny Weasley

2. [garbageman82] as Harry Potter

3. [wolvie] as Ronald Weasley

4. [Ritsuka-Kun] as Professor Severus Snape

5. [Silverline] as Cylia (SEE-LEE-A)


7. [Looni Commanda] as Hermione

8. [Fallen Child Athena] as Fred Weasley


HSOWAW Members For pictures and other information

HSOWAW Book of Spells

HSWAW Background Information Basic Summerized Harry Potter background information

HSOWAW Classes list of Hogwarts classes

HSOWAW Gryffindor Common Room For Gryffindors

HSOWAW Slytherin Common Room For Slytherins

HSOWAW Hufflepuff Common RoomFor Hufflepuffs

HSOWAW Ravenclaw Common Room


HSOWAW Dumbledore's Army

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2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *snuggled against Harry on Hagrids couch*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *opens eyes* G-G-Ginny? *blushes*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *wakes up groggily* yeah? *yawn*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *blushes even more* Oh, um..are you all right?

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: yes...are you?

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *nods* We're gonna be in so much trouble when we get back.

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *giggles* we are....was it worth it?

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *bites lip*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *looks to Ginny, and smiles, holding her hand* Very worth it. *smiles bigger*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: ^_^ *closes eyes, laying my head against you*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *holds Ginny's hand tighter, and gently goes through her hair with my other hand.*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: hm....when do you suppose we should go back?

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *looks down* I don't know.

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *grumbles* stupid Ron cursing you like that.....

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: No worries, Ginny, the cure Hagrid gave me last night seemed to have done the trick.

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: he still shouldnt have done that *pouts* he is your best friend...

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: True, but he was just looking out for his sister.

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: but...*fails*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *gently turns Ginny's chin towards me, and smiles* It's all right, Ginny. *looks at you, and leans in closer*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: <img:sh-gif.gif> *bites lip again, and leans in close, then kisses you*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *gently kisses back, then pulls away, blushing, and nervously laughing*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: <img:sh-gif.gif> *looks kind of sad as you pull away, leans in closer and kisses you again*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *is surprised, but kisses you back, not noticing Hagrid come in*<img:sh-gif.gif>

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *keeps kissing Harry, pushing my tongue past his lips, not noticing Hagrid either*

Hagrid: Blimey, Harry! What er' ya think you two ar' doin'?

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *Does the same, but quickly pulls away, blushing immensely, upon Hagrid speaking up**looks down*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *looks up wide eyed*

Hagrid *claps Harry on the back hard, laughing* Alright you two...just try ter tone it down a bit while I'm ere

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *Smiles shyly* Not a problem, Hagrid....I hope. ;) *holds Ginny's hand.*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *looks up at the window, seeing it get light outside, blushing*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *looks to Hagrid* Hagrid, what are Ginny and me going to do when we go back?

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: Hagrid: I 'spect that McGonnigal and Dubledore will have a few words ter say....there will probably be a punishment...

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *looks down* I understand. *sighs*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *leans against Harry* I hope im not around when my mum finds out...

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *looks to Ginny* I hope she doesn't get too upset.

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *smiles* my mum will be ecstatic...and angry at the same time *giggles* we have class this morning....Herbology....we probably shouldn't get in more trouble by skipping...

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *smiles back at Ginny* She's right, Hagrid. Thanks for taking us in for the night, I owe you.

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: Hagrid: Anytime ^_^

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *takes Ginny's hand and walks outside, getting on my broom and flying us back to Hogwarts*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: ^_^

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *we fly through the Gryffindor dorm window, and go to get our stuff*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *looks to Ginny, holds her hand, and finally builds up the courage to say, "I love you".*<img:lo-gif.gif>

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *looks up shocked* I you too..<img:lo-gif.gif><img:sh-gif.gif>

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *smiles and leans in to kiss you*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *kisses you, then sits on my bed, sighing* Ginny, what are we going to do?

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *looks at Harry, and then to the other empty beds in the room, and back to Harry* I dont know....

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *looks at the ground*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *sits next to Harry, wrapping my arms around him*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *looks to Ginny, and smiles*

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: *is still sitting by the lake and pondering*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *smiles back*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: Ginny, I'm really nervous about what kind of punishment we're gonna get.

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *sigh* me too...

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *rests my head against Ginny's*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *flinches as I hear McGonnigals voice*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *sits up, and sighs* Ginny, you don't deserve any punishment. I'll take it all.

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: *sighs and gets up, heading for the dormitory to get my bag for class*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: no! I was the one who snuck in because I was on a sugar high and wanted to cause trouble....

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *looks to Ginny, holding her shoulders* I can't let you, Ginny. I want you to keep up on your studies.

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: *walks into the dormitory and see's Harry and Ginny together again* Oy you two! What're you doing?!

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: eep! uhh...talking.... >_< 

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: You didn't have to curse Harry, you know *glares at my brother*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *scowls slightly at Ron, but then looks down*

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: *glares back at ginny* you were in his bed! do you have any idea what people would say about you if that got out?

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: I was only hiding because Snape came in!

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *steps up to Ron* I love your sister.

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: You should have cursed me, not him, i was the one who came in here, trying to get Harry to explore the castle with me

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *watches as Ron's ears turn red*

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: *my ears go bright red and i take out my wand, getting ready to curse harry*

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: Curse me all you want, Ron, it's not going to change how I feel about her.

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *glares at Ron* whats wrong with it? You like Hermione, your just too stupid to say anything

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: *gasps at Ginny* I do not!

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: Do too!

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: *feels my ears go even redder* You...shut up Ginny!

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *mutters* jerk

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: you'd be embarrassed to be seen with her, even though you like her?

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: n-n-no i don't...i don't like her ok?

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *smiles at Ron*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *smiles slyly at Ron and leans over, giving Harry a long wet kiss..then pulls back* you dont want to do that to Hermione? 

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: *glares at ginny* i wouldn't do that in public! errr i late for class *grabs my bag and storms out*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *giggles as I watch Ron run out*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: And my family thinks im immature....

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *McGonnigal walks in*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: [Wolvie, do you wanna play McGonnigal...XD...I cant think of what punishment we should get....]

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *blushes immensely as Ginny kisses me, going wide eyed* Oh, you're not immature at all. *quickly looks down as McGonnigal walks in*

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: [gah i don't know a good punishment but i can try ^^]

McGonnigal: Mr. Potter, Miss. Weasley why are you in here alone again? *she asks looking at them both stern*

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: Ron was just here....we were....uh...getting our things for Herbology class....

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: [kk^^ lol..only thing I could come up with was taking Gryffindor points or maybe her saying they could not sit together or idea...XD]

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: McGonnigal: *glares at them both* well as punishment for your "actions" last night, you will both serve a month of detention and I am taking 100 points from Gryffindor for each of you. May that serve as a lesson to you both

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: [i thought of one ^^]

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: *gulps thinking: that wasnt as bad as I thought....* uh,,,Professor? My mum...are you gonna...*gulp* tell her?

2008-12-05 [garbageman82]: *looks down at the ground* Mr. Mcgonnigal, she doesn't deserve to be punished...give me her punishment on top of mine.

2008-12-05 [Boomnesss]: no! I get my punishment, it was my fault!

2008-12-05 [wolvie]: McGonnigal: I have already sent owls to both of your guardians miss Weasley

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